

I am Sahajahan, a coder. Love to learn and share. Total experience of 5+ years in IT. Worked in multiple areas like Service Virtualization, Web development, Automation.

What is Service Virtualization

It is the process of emulating the behavior of a software component which is unavailable due to some reasons. The reasons might be anything like The System is not developed yet. The system is down due to some reason. The system is handled by the third party Every interaction (transaction) with a system cost some amount of penny. To provide continuous environments to the different team like test team, development, performance to check the development of script/test data etc. There could…

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Stack implementation using Javascript

With the introduction of Node Js, a new era has been started for Javascript. A massive and continuous growth in JavaScript implementation and concepts is on. It has taken become one of the major languages in web design and development. Node.js is a very powerful JavaScript-based framework/platform built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript V8 Engine. It is used to develop I/O intensive web applications like video streaming sites, single-page applications, web etc.

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